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微觀-藝術作品聯展 Micro View - a Collective Exhibition of Paintings


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微觀,意味著我們將看到不一樣的生態。 觀看是我們接觸理解這個世界的方式之一,而視藝創作則是一種創作者特定記錄的觀看,作者的觀看和觀眾的觀看會相遇在展覽中。這一次展覽,邀請了各單位在工作室中完成的繪畫及立體作品。

作品的現場性,以非現場性的狀態展呈,像是一種離線觀看,看著每一個頻幕中藝術家的敍事,而有趣的是我們都明白:展出就是敍事;集敍就是立方視野。展覽中作品之間的整合,乃是作者的生發和交集,是共生中分化出作者的生態場。 我們也可以理解成:當作品有一數量的體呈時,觀看可以帶出一種過程或是關係,我們將一些藝術中的人事物進行微觀時,看的是每個藝術家的蜂鬚,築簽著自己和集體交通交會的共生共構體,這種體量,是生態系的交生。因此,展出中我們可以看到每一位藝術家個體藝術的生發,以及個體間於群體運生的共性;也會在多貌性中見到其個殊性的漫生。


策展人 蔡國傑 ── Through Micro View, we can see a different ecology. Observation is one of the ways we perceive the world, while work of visual art is a kind of recorded, creator-specific, observation, and eventually the artist’s observation will cross with the viewer’s in the exhibition. Paintings and three-dimensional works completed in the studio by various authors have been invited to this exhibition.

The works of live (on-site) nature are presented in a non-live (off-site) state, as if offering a viewing experience offline, with the respective artists narrating on each screen. What is interesting to note is that we all understand that displaying is in itself a narrative and the collective narration offers many visions. Interaction and merge between the works in the exhibition is an authorial instance and cross-over, constituting author-based ecological fields differenciated from the conjunction symbiosis.

We can also understand it in this way: when a substantive number of works are presented together, synergies can happen as we observe them. When we microscopically view the subjects (the character, thing, object) in art, we are actually looking at how each artist constructs, with his/her own touches and sensibility, the symbiont as he/she connects with the group. It thus creates a dimension where crisscrossing ecosystems are born. Therefore, in the exhibition, we will be able to see the individual art of each artist, as well as their synergistic effects. At the same time, we can also see bold individuality and uniqueness in the multifariousess.

In the end, we can try to understand the exhibition by reverting to: How do we see art and the world? We can always explore new ways to enjoy the possibilities of understanding diversity and the fun in parallel understandings.

Curator Cai Guo Jie ── 參展藝術家及機構(排名不分先後) Participating Artists and Institutions (in no particular order)

蘇俊傑Sou Chon Kit 樊景賢Fan Keng In 馬子維Nelson Joel Jorge Madeira 郭志偉Kuok Chi Wai 張永浩 Cheong Weng Hou ARTM-澳門戒毒康復協會 ARTM - Association of rehabilitation of drug abusers of Macao 澳門基督教新生命團契-S.Y.部落 Christian new life fellowship (in Macau) -Smart Youth 澳門基督教新生命團契-薈穗社 Christian new life fellowship (in Macau) -WE POINT 澳門青年挑戰福音戒毒中心 Macau teen challenge

-- 開幕 Opening : 2019/01/26(星期六)PM 4:00 展期 Exhibition:2019/01/27-2019/03/02 開放時間:12:00-7:00(逢星期三休館) Opening hours : PM12:00-7:00 (Except on Wednesday) 地點Venue:At Light(澳門卑第圍1號地下Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau) 免費入場 Free admission 查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203 電郵 Email : ── 時間:PM5:45 -7:00【Art Is Love】聚會 歡迎公眾與各參展者、藝術家們一同參與,交流。

【Art is Love】的計劃相信: 「讓藝術走入生活,每個創作者的思想才有溝通的機會。」──NIDO ASIA Art Space

Time:PM5:45 -7:00【Art Is Love】-An artists' gathering under the theme "Art Is Love" will be held on the opening day, and the public is welcome to attend and exchange.

【Art is Love】campaign believes "Artists can truly communicate and inspire when art becomes part of our daily lives " --NIDO ASIA Art Space ── 主辦 Organizer:風盒子社區藝術發展協會 Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association 贊助 Sponsor:社會工作局 Instituto de Acção Social 場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light 鳴謝:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab ── *NIDO ASIA的標語是:ART IS AN EGG,意為孵化藝術生命。NIDO ASIA創辦的理念,尋求和支持藝術創作,把藝術帶到生活中,不論是審美的情趣抑或是創作這個行為,每個人都有創作力,期待讓更多人欣賞藝術,欣賞創作。 About NIDO ASIA art Space The slogan of NIDO ASIA is ART IS AN EEG, and NIDO means “nest” in Italian, to incubate new life, new art. This is the concept of NIDO; seeking and supporting art creation, bringing art into daily life. Whether it is aesthetic appreciation or the action itself of creation, everyone has creativity. NIDO is here to make art accessible to everyone!


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