弘藝峰 | AEL2018年3月18日已讀 1 分鐘At Light已更新:2020年4月25日弘藝峰創作社即將進駐位於政府總部(澳督府)後面的藝術空間At Light,感謝chiii design借出場地。 Arts Empowering Lab(AEL) will soon enter At Light, an art space behind the Government headquarters, and thanks to the chiii design sponsor venue.
弘藝峰創作社即將進駐位於政府總部(澳督府)後面的藝術空間At Light,感謝chiii design借出場地。 Arts Empowering Lab(AEL) will soon enter At Light, an art space behind the Government headquarters, and thanks to the chiii design sponsor venue.