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作家相片弘藝峰 | AEL

6075 澳門酒店藝術博覽會Macau Hotel Art Fair






日期  2018年10月11至14日 11:00-20:00

地點  麗景灣藝術酒店(澳門氹仔史伯泰海軍將軍馬路2號)

「6075 澳門酒店藝術博覽會」 - 畫廊 - 澳門 “6075 Macau Hotel Art Fair” - PARTICIPAING GALLERY – MACAU

畫廊名稱:弘藝峰創作社 Name of Gallery: Arts Empowering Lab 畫廊簡介: 本會為非牟利機構,成立的初衷是推動不同範疇的文化藝術創作能在澳門得到長遠的發展。 希望以本會作為大本營聚集相關方面的有識之士和有志在此的年青人組織多樣的藝術文化活動; 同時,期盼在不久的未來能促使本地與各地區的藝文人士組織更多交流與合作。

Gallery Profile: Arts Empowering Lab(AEL), AEL is a non-profit-making organization. Its original intention was to promote the development of cultural and artistic creation in different areas in Macau.

AEL will be used as a base for gathering artists and young people who interested in promoting arts and cultural activities. In the near future, we hope these activities and exchanges can be promoted for more exchanges between local to regional, furthermore, international.

6075藝術家:施明坤 澳門藝術家,早年畢業於廣州華南師範大學美術系現代藝術創作與理論研究碩士課程及澳門理工學院視覺藝術教育專業。曾從事藝術教育工作,參與中國、日本、韓國及澳門多個展覽。現為自由工作者。 6075 Artist: Si Meng Kuan Frankie (Si Meng Kuan) earned her MFA (Modern Art) in South China Normal University in Guangzhou, China, and Higher Diploma in Visual Arts in Macau Polytechnic Institute. Being a freelance artist now, he has been school teachers for several years and participated in various exhibitions held in Mainland China and Macau.

作品名稱:花之重生系列 26cmx26cmx3cm 2018 Name of Work: Episode of “Flowers’ Reincarnation” 26cmx26cmx3cm 2018 材質:陶瓷 Media: Ceramics 作品介紹: 「花之重生」系列作品是延續我於2014年以落葉為創作的「重生」系列作品。花的生命比葉更短暫,週期更短,但花的形態優美,即使是已落下甚至乾枯的花,仍有不同的美態,優雅動人。 「花之重生」系列作品,我收集了澳門、香港數十種不同植物的花朵,利用并制作成數十隻陶瓷碟。這些花朵有從樹上自然落下、有在乾枯的展覽花牌採摘、有活動過後被丟棄的,也有學生作業帶回來的功課。這些花有在澳門或香港土生土長,也有外地進口,這些種種都記載著這地區的植物變化,不斷的城市化進程,到最後留下來的會祇剩這些千年不衰的陶瓷嗎? Artwork Description: Episode of “Flowers’ Reincarnation” may be viewed as the extension of my works “Reincarnation” in 2014 that featured fallen leafs. Flowers are shorter-lived than leafs, but look more elegant. Even having fallen and withered flowers still display different faces of beauty. In the episode of “Flowers’ Reincarnation”, I have collected dozens of species of flowers in Macao and Hong Kong to produce these dishes. Some of the flowers were picked up from the ground after falling down, some withering on exhibition display, some disposed in the wake of special events, some from students’ homework. Some flowers grew in Macao and Hong Kong, and others from elsewhere. Behind these flowers are the evolution of the flowers and transformation through urbanization. Are these ceramics the only remains in the end?

6075藝術家:談瑞婷 成長並定居於澳門,用花說話,侍奉自然,大學時修讀英語文學,現為自由藝術工作者。 6075 Artist: Bella Tam Grew up and settled in Macau, speaks with flowers, serves nature, studies English literature at university, and is now a freelance artist.

Name of Work: Nature Morte 41.9cmx59.4cm 2018 材質:藝術微噴 Media: Fine Art Inkjet Print 作品介紹: 即法語「靜物畫」(Still Life),意謂死去之物。人對事物的理解不存在客觀性空間,當事物發生,物與物會產生出新的語言,花便不再是花,身體不再是身體,而平等共生地存在。攝影將一刻的生命時間化成物理影像,超越線性軌跡,唯有如此嘗試理解人與物本身。 Artwork Description: The French term for still life, meaning ‘dead nature’. Since objective space doesn’t exist in human’s perspective, all beings will begin to create a new language within dialogues; flower ceases to be a flower, a body and the flesh, they become equals coexisting in its own right and space. Photography turns this glimpse of time and life into physical images which transcend linear pathway, only in the attempt to understand the ambiguity between the living and the dead.

6075藝術家:黎小傑 現居澳門,全職藝術家,澳門全藝社理事長,澳門美術協會副理事長,澳門美術協青年委員會主任。近十年來,他已在澳門、北京、上海及葡萄牙等地舉辦了十多個個人展覽。 其作品獲澳門文化局和藝術博物館等機構,以及個人收藏家收藏。 6075 Artist: Lai Siu Kit Born in Macau, Director of Art for All Society (Macau), Vice-Director of Macau Artist Society, Director of Macau Artist Society Youth Committee. In the past decade, he has held more than a dozen solo exhibitions in places such as Macau, Beijing, Shanghai and Portugal. His works have been collected by Macau Cultural Bureau, Macau Museum of Art and other personal collectors.

作品名稱:剩下的是記憶 80cmx120cm/95cmx130cm 2018 Name of Work: All that Remains are Memories 80cmx130cm/95cmx130cm 2018 材質:布本油畫 Media: Oil on Canvas 作品介紹: 《剩下的是記憶》是小傑最新的系列作品,脫胎於一直被他描寫的階磚、瓦片。這些元素現在已成為了小傑特有的繪畫語言和符號。有別於過往,觀眾們需要更多的覺知和耐心來細味這批作品。它們的內容不再是我們立即可以名狀的物品,例如:一張滄桑的爛鐵皮、一遍惹人鄉愁的花階磚或是長滿青苔的紅瓦片。只是由一塊塊顏色組成的平面,卻讓人脫離了形相的束縛,更純粹地享受藝術家在理性和率性之間排列顏色的結果,從中嘗試回溯他創作過程的怡然自樂或者煩燥不安。 Artwork Description: All that remains are memories is Lai’s latest works, a transcended version of what he has been painting – old-fashioned bricks and tiles, and that has become part of Lai’s unique painting language and symbols. Unlike the past, the audience needs to be more sensible and patient to appreciate his works. The objects he paints are no longer items we can name at one glance, such as a piece of rusty and rotten metal, bricks with nostalgic patterns, or moss-covered red tiles. The intriguing composition of colours in his paintings often urges us to think out of the box and be free from what we have perceived well. It also shows that Lai purely enjoys going back and forth between rationality and improvisation of how he plays with the colours as an artist, from which he attempts to trace back to the pleasure or irritability during his creative process.


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