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Vincenzo Luongo

龍雲生 | Vincenzo Luongo

1962年生於意大利拿玻里,1991年至2001年旅居美國紐約,2007年開始繪畫創作,並在短時間內發展出獨有而多變的個人風格。龍氏曾在執世界現代藝術界牛耳的紐約旅居了十年,經常進出高端畫廊,這是別人羡慕到不得了的機會,他卻不屑一顧,覺得搞這些東西無聊且浪費時間。而在澳門,一盒平平無奇的顏料卻為他的生命添上永不褪色的藝術光彩,在這十年間,命運吻之以痛,而他卻以畫報之,他總能用永不衰竭的創造力面對生活給他的打擊。除了過人的藝術天份,人們更從他的作品中感受到那顆執著而無悔的初心。 ​


Taste from Art - Vincenzo Luongo Selected Works

02/22/02 - 02/05/2020

Born in Naples, Italy in 1962, he lived in New York, USA from 1991 to 2001. He began painting in 2007 and developed a distinctive and versatile style of painting in a short period of time. Vincenzo had lived in New York, one of the best cities in the world for modern art, for ten years, during which he got many chances to visit high-end galleries. However, at that time, he would think that those visits were boring and a total waste of time. And yet during his time in Macao, he met someone who give him a box of ordinary colour pens that encouraged him to embark on a new journey of art. In the last decade, he met many adversities and suffering in life but he overcame them with his determination to paint. His seemingly inexhaustible well of creativity often has guided him through the darkness of life. When you look at his work, you would not only appreciate his extraordinary talent in art, but also his devotion and love for arts from the very beginning.
弘藝峰創作社 | Arts Empowering Lab
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Patio do Padre Narciso No 1,R/C,Macau.

+853 6595 7203

開放時間:星期一至六 (11:15-18:30)   星期日 (10:00-17:00)

Opening Hours : WEEKDAY (11:15-18:30)   WEEKEND (10:00-17:00)


@2018 by Arts Empowering Lab

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