Arts Empowering Lab

唐重 | Tong Chong
至今共參加國內及國際藝術聯展逾180回,舉行個人作品展9回。 作品曾於世界各地展出,包括西班牙、葡萄牙、美國、英國、荷蘭、韓國、日本、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、澳洲、中國內地逾二十個省市、以及台灣、香港、澳門等地。
Blossom Views - Art Exhibition by Tong Chong
09/12/2018 – 13/01/2019
Born in 1977, Tong studied painting at the Fuzhou Arts and Crafts School in Fujian Province in 1990. He studied modern painting at the Macao Visual Arts Institute from 1991 to 1997. He obtains the Bachelors of Arts in Visual Arts (Education) from the School of Arts, Macao Polytechnic Institute and the Master's Degree from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
So far, Tong has participated in more than 180 domestic and international art exhibitions and held nine individual exhibitions. His works have been exhibited around the world, including Spain, Portugal, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, China (more than 20 provinces and cities), as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
Tong often uses painting and sculpture as a medium for artistic creation to narrate the cultural and social context of a contemporary society and to contemplate the nature of humanities. His works aims to discuss the relationship of human development and nature and the role of human activities in today's environmental ecology.