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Kan Tai Wong

黃勤帶 | Kan Tai Wong

一九五七年出生於香港離島大嶼山。七十年代開始從事新聞及報導攝影工作。曾於日本修讀攝影課程。主要攝影集包括《The Queens》、《Vajrayana》、《香港地2002-07》及《89廣場的日子》。現為攝影師,居於香港及日本。


Fukushima - Kan Tai Wong Photography Exhibition

08/04 – 15/05/2018

Kan Tai Wong was born on Lantau, Hong Kong in 1957. He joined the press in the late 1970s and started his long career as a photojournalist in Hong Kong. He studied photography in the Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics. His photographic collections published include '89 Tiananmen, Hong Kong Walled City 2002-2007, Vajrayana and The Queen's. Wong now lives in Hong Kong and Japan and works as a photographer. ​
弘藝峰創作社 | Arts Empowering Lab
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Patio do Padre Narciso No 1,R/C,Macau.

+853 6595 7203

開放時間:星期一至六 (11:15-18:30)   星期日 (10:00-17:00)

Opening Hours : WEEKDAY (11:15-18:30)   WEEKEND (10:00-17:00)


@2018 by Arts Empowering Lab

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