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蔣靜華 | Catherine, CHEONG Cheng Wa

2003年畢業於澳門理工學院平面設計專科學位;隨後赴法國留學深造,2008年取得法國土倫普羅旺斯地中海高等國立藝術及設計學院 (l’ésadtpm) 視覺藝術系學士學位,主修錄像裝置創作。回澳後在政府部門擔任展覽的設計工作,並積極參於不同類型的藝術展覽活動及專研版畫創作,曾擔任“堂口故事2-愛情在城”等電影的美術指導、協助策劃藝術展覧活動等;於2015年以作品「澳門人」榮獲“第二屆澳門版畫三年展”國際版畫比賽金獎。2017年再度往巴黎進修,並於2018年取得ISC Paris 商業學校的MBA藝術文化碩士管理課程文憑。



思緒—多媒體藝術雙人展 - 劉岩 X 蔣靜華

Thoughts and Emotions - a Multimedia Dual Art Exhibition - LIU Yan X Catherine, CHEONG Cheng Wa

28/07 – 31/08/2019

In 2003, she obtained a degree in Graphic Design at the Macao Polytechnic Institute; then she went to France to deepen her studies and in 2008 graduated in Visual Arts, specializing in printmaking, at the School of Art and Design, Toulon Provence Mediterranean, France. After returning to Macau, she worked in the public administration, as a exhibition designer, actively participating in different types of art exhibitions. As a specialist in printmaking, she participated in "Macao Stories 2 - Love in the City" and other exhibitions, as art director in film and supporting the organization of art exhibitions; in 2015, she won the " Macau Printmaking Second Triennial ", an international contest of printmaking, with her work "Macao People". In 2017, she went to Paris again and obtained a master's degree in MBA Art Culture Management from the ISC Paris Business School in 2018.

As an individual artist she has explored some of the cultural differences between her surrounding environment, people, people and the environment, society, nature, conflict, assimilation, loneliness and other emotional dimensions. Expressing herself in different artistic languages and using several media, including installation, video, printmaking, photography, she has presented her artwork in France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Beijing, Macau and many other places.

Now she is studying for a Master of Visual Arts in the 8th University in Paris.
弘藝峰創作社 | Arts Empowering Lab
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Patio do Padre Narciso No 1,R/C,Macau.

+853 6595 7203

開放時間:星期一至六 (11:15-18:30)   星期日 (10:00-17:00)

Opening Hours : WEEKDAY (11:15-18:30)   WEEKEND (10:00-17:00)


@2018 by Arts Empowering Lab

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