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Bella Tam

談瑞婷 | Bella Tam

Bella Tam,談瑞婷,出生並成長於澳門,大學時期主修英語文學。信奉自然,認為一切皆有其語言。現為自由攝影師。

女性藝術系列—婀娜:攝影展—Bella Tam X 李佩禎

Women Art Series - Light Elegance: a Photo Exhibition - Bella Tam X Pui Cheng Lei

15/07 – 21/08/2018

Bella Tam, Tam Soi Teng. Born and raised in Macau, majored in English Literature during university, a worshiper of nature who sees all beings have its own sublime language. Currently creating an organic harmony.
弘藝峰創作社 | Arts Empowering Lab
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Patio do Padre Narciso No 1,R/C,Macau.

+853 6595 7203

開放時間:星期一至六 (11:15-18:30)   星期日 (10:00-17:00)

Opening Hours : WEEKDAY (11:15-18:30)   WEEKEND (10:00-17:00)


@2018 by Arts Empowering Lab

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