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作家相片弘藝峰 | AEL

繁花記 開幕 Blossom Views Opening


藝術家唐重最新作品系列——〈繁花記〉展出20張作品。 一直以來唐重繪畫作品的造型撲拙,用色較少,然而,這個嶄新的系列卻是色彩輕快愉悅,造形多變;同時,藝術家運用了顏料渲染、繪畫、剪紙和拼貼等多種手法,以表達他繽紛的想像力和生命中的某些遭遇。

Blossom Views, by artist Tong Chong, showcases 20 pieces of his latest works. Have been known for his plain and less-is-more style of painting, Tong decides to do something different this time - his bold uses of pleasant and vibrant colours and different shapes, together with the techniques of colour rendering, painting, paper cutting and collage, so as to express his colourful imaginations and some significant moments of life.

開幕 Opening : 2019/12/08 4pm 展期 Extension period:2018/12/09 ––– 2019/01/31 開放時間:中午十二時至晚上七時(逢星期三休館) Opening Hours : Noon - 7:00pm (Except on Wednesday) At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下 At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau

免費入場 Free admission 查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203 電郵 Email :

主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab 贊助 Sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural 場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light


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