If you fancy taking a crack on the World Championship, you could sign up(opens in new tab) for Rocket League Prices the open qualifier now. Registration closes on July 24.
I don't normally use certified components on my Rocket League automobiles, because they are the videogame equal of shirts bought at Disneyland or given away at a conference, and I like to accept as true with that I'm greater fashionable than that. The creepiness of those Ghostbusters wheels may make me reconsider, though. Stare at them for a few seconds, due to the fact you have to surely steep inside the obese, toothless smile of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man earlier than you experience what I'm feeling. Unsettling, are not they?
These gooey wheels are a part of a huge set of Ghostbusters stuff that'll be up for Rocketleaguefans.com grabs at some point of Rocket League's Halloween event, which begins this week, on October 20. Completing event challenges will release the ones Stay Puft wheels, in addition to Stay Puft and Slimer toppers, Ectoplasm and slime boosts, player banners, an avatar border, and a few other items.